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Executive Head Chef
Executive Head Chef
Executive Head Chef
Kings Tavern is a great local restaurant in the heart of Keswick. They have a large menu with a great selection to choose from. They have live music and have daily specials. I highly recommend eating here!
OUTSTANDING !!!! We tried the kings tavern two nights ago, and reordered tonight. Their menu is insane! So many options and typically when a restaurant offers too many menu options, the food is subpar but NOT this place. We are addicted! The portions sizes are unreal! Huge. My husband and I split everything. Their pricing is MORE than reasonable for the portion size and quality. We will gladly continue ordering from only this restaurant - we want to try every menu item. Highly recommend! Please never change your quality and portions. Amazing
Amazing local legend tavern. Tones of beer on tap. Menu is amazing haven’t had anything that I disliked. Staff is very friendly and the people that it brings it makes it a bar that you want in a small town. Nothing but the best service and food here. Would recommend to all!
We would go before it changed ownership, and it was good then. Now it's definitely improved. It's quite a busy happening place but they always seem to have room for us. They are checking vaccine certificates at the door. I'm loving the spinach and beet root salad. I've ordered it six weeks in a row.